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What Is a Casting Ceremony?

H.E. Turner Funeral Homes • July 11, 2022

A casting ceremony, or ash scattering ceremony as they are also called, is a wonderful tribute to hold for your loved one after their cremation services in Batavia, NY. These differ from memorial services and are another option families often choose.

While either one of these services is a lovely way to pay respects to your loved one, you may find that one is a better fit for your family than the other. We are going to go over what you need to know about a casting ceremony so that you can decide if it’s right for you.

Casting Ceremony vs Memorial Service

Both a casting ceremony and memorial service may include things such as:

  • A welcome/ introduction
  • Prayers or poems
  • Music
  • Quotes
  • Eulogy
  • Closing/acknowledgments

The main difference is that a memorial service is typically held in a church, funeral home, or other inside location. Also, the remains of the deceased may be displayed in an urn in the front of the room. After the service, the remains may be taken home by a family member or there may be a private scattering ceremony for family members only.

A casting ceremony is normally held in the location the remains will be released. Guests will be invited, and the services will take place. After the services, or as part of the service, the remains will be released. This can be done by one or more family members or guests may even take part.

Where to Hold the Ceremony

The ceremony can be held where the family chooses as long as it is legal to do so. Most public lands allow the scattering of ashes but have rules that need to be followed. When planning a ceremony, always check with local authorities to see what needs to be done to ensure all regulations and laws are being followed.

With that being said, some of the most popular places to hold these ceremonies include:

  • National or state park
  • Local or city park
  • On a family member’s private land
  • On the ocean

How to Release the Ashes

When the time comes to release the ashes, do so carefully. If they are to be released into the air, take note of which way the wind is blowing to avoid any ashes being blown on any people or objects.

As far as who releases the ashes, this should be decided before the event. Some popular options are:

  • Having only the ceremony leader release all the ashes
  • Allowing the immediate family to take turns releasing the remains
  • Providing a decorative scoop and allowing those guests who wish to take a turn

Other Considerations

Just as with a memorial service, you will need to choose someone to lead the ceremony. Also, since you will most likely be doing this at a remote location, you will need to make sure you have things that you may need such as chairs, a speaker, a microphone, and even things like sunscreen, umbrellas, etc.

Holding a service after your loved one’s cremation services in Batavia, NY helps you begin the healing process. While some families may prefer a memorial service, other families may find extra comfort in releasing their loved one’s ashes back into nature. Whichever you decide, know that we are here to help you in any way you may need.

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