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Considerations When Choosing an Urn

H.E. Turner Funeral Homes • April 11, 2022

With so many options of materials and decorative styles, choosing the right urn after your loved one’s cremation services in Batavia, NY. can be a dauting task. To help you make the best choice, there are a few things you should take into consideration. We are going to go over some of these things so that you can feel much more confident when choosing your urn weather for your traditional burial or green burial.

Choosing the Right Size

You may be surprised to know that urns come in different sizes with each having a different volume of space inside the urn which is measured in cubic inches. Most standard urns will have a volume of 200-250 cubic inches.

To determine how much volume you will need, you can typically allow for at least one cubic inch of space for every pound of body weight before cremation. So, for example, someone who was 160 pounds would need an urn with a volume of at least 160 cubic inches.

Selecting the Material

Urns can be found made from a variety of materials, each having its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The material you choose can depend on where you would like to place the urn, as well as what type of style you would like. A few of the most common types of materials used are:

  • Wood – Wooden urns can be made from many types of wood including, but not limited to, oak, walnut, cedar, pine, and maple. These urns are study and easy to clean with furniture polish and a soft cloth. One thing to watch for is to make sure the urn is not placed in constant direct sunlight as this can cause the urn to crack or fade over time.
  • Ceramic– An urn that is ceramic can come in several colors and decorative styles. They are also easy to clean with a soft, dry cloth. One drawback of ceramic urns is that they are very delicate so will need to be placed in a safe location where they wont get knocked over or broken.
  • Metal– If you are wanting an urn that is sturdy and will last for years to come, a metal urn is your best option. These urns are typically made from pewter, bronze, brass, copper, and even stainless steel.

Consider Your Budget

If you have a budget, make sure the price of the urn is within this budget. It’s easy to get carried away when looking at urns and be tempted to purchase one that is more expensive or out of your budget. Keep your budget in mind and know that, while you want to get a beautiful urn, you also don’t want to feel regret later down the line. If you feel you may need help sticking with your budget, take a friend to help you.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right urn after your loved one’s cremation services in Batavia, NY. can be difficult, but by keeping a few things in mind, selecting the right one can be a little easier. Things such as knowing what size you need as well as which material would work best for your situation and placement will help you feel much more confident when starting the shopping process we’re here to help check out some resources we have.

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